Seattle Auto Insurance
Auto Insurance Information by State
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Popular Carriers
- Nationwide
- State Farm
- Allstate
Seattle, the capital of Washington, is the northernmost major city in the United States. Seattle has committed itself to. Seattle is ranked as one of the most car-congested cities in the nation, and is currently expanding a new commuter rail service to reduce commute times and lessen congestion. For now, though, vehicle traffic in Seattle remains high. Here are some automobile-related statistics for Seattle, Washington:
- 14,105 auto accidents in 2008
- 13,365 vehicle thefts in 2009
- Average commute time of 27.9 minutes
- 16% of drivers are uninsured
Seattle ranks highly on nearly all vehicle-related categories, including commute time, thefts per capita, and number of uninsured drivers. Due to the high volume of traffic, high likelihood of vehicle theft, and predominantly poor weather, comprehensive Seattle auto insurance is a necessity. The State of Washington requires all motor vehicle owners to have minimum amounts of auto liability insurance. Basic Seattle auto insurance is comprised of the following policies:
- Liability Insurance
The State of Washington requires anyone driving a motor vehicle to have an insurance liability policy to the required limits, which includes bodily injury limits of $50,000 total per accident and a property damage limit of $10,000 per incident. Proof of insurance must be presented to law enforcement officers during a traffic stop and must also be presented when registering an automobile. Because of the high prices of vehicles and medical care, minimum insurance coverage may not be enough if you are found liable for causing an accident. Consider purchasing other insurance products if you are an Seattle driver, such as collision insurance or medical payment coverage, especially because you are liable for any amounts over your coverage limits.
It is important to remember to shop for low prices as well as quality service. Many auto insurance companies will adjust your premium based on the location in which your vehicle is registered. Obtaining as many valid discounts as possible is highly recommended. is dedicated to finding reliable and quality Seattle automobile insurance quotes.
Principal Department of Motor Vehicles locations in Seattle are listed here:
- 205 Spring St., Seattle 98104 (206) 464-6845
- 500 4th Ave. #401, Seattle 98104 (206) 296-4000
- 3820 Rainier Ave. S., Seattle 98114 (206) 723-9370
- 5048 California Ave. SW, Seattle 98136 (206) 938-3111
- 5963 Corson Ave. S #162, Seattle 98108 (206) 767-7782
- 5615 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle 98105 (206) 522-4090
- 8830 25th Ave. SW, Seattle 98106 (206) 764-4144