Anderson Auto Insurance
Anderson, OH Auto Insurance Quotes
Take a look at our auto insurance partners operating in Anderson, Ohio.
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Ohio is a tort state, which means that Anderson, Ohio residents are financially responsible for the damage and injury they cause in an auto accident. To drive a vehicle in Ohio, you're required to show proof of financial responsibility (i.e. auto insurance). Ohio's liability minimums are 12.5/25/7.5. (That's $12,500 per person for injuries you cause to the other party, up to $25,000 for all, and $7,500 for damage you cause to the other party's property.) Of course, these are low minimums, and higher levels of coverage are recommended, particularly if you have assets to protect.
Most Ohio auto insurance companies will also offer optional coverages such as medical payments, collision, comprehensive, and uninsured and underinsured motorists bodily injury coverage.